Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Today is the First day of the rest of my life

Some might put a negative spin on that but I'll
be the optometrist that sees the glass half full
of Scotch.
Its 0730, the kids are fed and one is off to school
the wife has gone to work and the house is quiet and
peaceful...Something must be terribly wrong.
A warm day today for the middle of October.
The cold is no doubt lurking around the next corner
waiting for its cue to make its grand entrance.
And then the rain starts falling. And the school calls
and my son has been kicked in the head can he please come home.
And somehow I have managed to accomplish almost nothing today.
wishing I could somehow go back to bed and try again.
need my soundtrack to inspire.
for I'm stuck here in the mire
and I'm lacking all desire
I simply have no inner fire

grey like the dey.


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